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Become a Board Member

Interested in becoming a board member?

The BikeMN board has openings for people from around Minnesota that are interested in contributing their time, interest, skills and passion toward accomplishing BikeMN’s mission and vision. Our largest priority gap in current board representation is directors serving from Greater Minnesota communities. Directors may participate in meetings virtually and reimbursements are available for meeting travel for Greater Minnesota directors.

About BikeMN
We envision a world where biking and walking are easy, safe, and fun for people of all backgrounds and abilities. Core to this vision is the goal of zero lives lost and no serious injuries on roads, our largest public spaces. This kind of mobility has the power to help rural, suburban, and urban communities thrive. Active mobility (walking and biking) also leads to increased positive health outcomes and increased positive environmental outcomes, which are goals Minnesota leaders already share with us. This shared vision will ensure that walking and biking are frequent means of mobility within all communities.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
BikeMN is working to cultivate a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion as well as sustainability. This work has included an Intercultural Development Inventory Assessment and Board Diversification Workshop. We believe that the benefits of a diverse board include different perspectives and better, more-comprehensive decision-making; accommodation of other life experiences; reflection and representation of the community; expanded networks; and more fun. We will continue to work to overcome the challenges of recruitment, retention, logistics, and discomfort as we work towards our goals:

  • To advance the BikeMN mission and broaden the audience for bicycling and walking
  • To allow different perspectives into our work
  • To ensure the board engages in our organization and with communities.

Our priorities for a more diverse board include geographic balance, persons of color, a range of ages and physical abilities, and a mix of gender representation.

Service & Commitment
Time Period: 3-year term; renewable 1 time
Compensation: N/A
Time Commitment: Varies; Board members are expected to attend, in person, by webinar, six meetings per year currently held the 4th Thursday of January, March, May, July, September and November from 6pm-8pm remotely and at the BikeMN main office in Minneapolis. Board members are also expected to serve on a committee (meeting schedules vary from monthly to a couple/yr.), volunteer at major events, and/or be active in some other area that makes a contribution to the BikeMN mission and vision and the organizational development goals stated in BikeMN’s strategic plan.

Interested in more info or applying?
Fill out this form if you’d like to have a brief intro call with members of our nominations team.