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Advocacy Opportunities in Ramsey County

Courtesy of the Saint Paul Bicycle Coalition e-news

Ramsey County 2050 Transportation Plan
Monday, June 17, 2:30-4:30pm, Zoom, Active Living Ramsey Communities will have their quarterly meeting with a presentation from Ramsey County Public Works staff on Ramsey County’s All-Abilities 2050 Transportation Plan–
Join the meeting, hear about, and comment on the plan. To register and get a Zoom Link, go to–
…And, if you haven’t already, take the “Phase 1 Survey” at–
…And explore the interactive wikimap–

MET Council Transportation Improvement Program
Tuesday, June 18, 4:30-5:30pm, on Zoom, the MET Council’s Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) will have a public meeting to solicit comments on its draft “Transportation Improvement Program” (TIP) for 2025-2028. These are federally funded transportation projects in the Metro area including highway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian projects. There are good ones and horrible ones. You can read the draft TIP at–

The proposed projects are listed beginning of page 46 of the PDF (or page 43 or the document). You’ll see $377 MILLION budgeted for adding new highway lanes on I-494 from MN Highway 77 to I-35W (a distance of one mile) as well as other super expensive, wasteful highway expansion projects that are contrary to MnDOT’s stated goal of reducing “Vehicle Miles Traveled” and reducing carbon emissions. It’s impossible to reduce carbon emissions if you’re adding new lane miles of highway year after year. There are also a few bad Bus Rapid Transit projects like the Gold Line, currently under construction, which will cost half a billion dollars and add two new highway lanes, bridges and flyovers to I-94 east of downtown Saint Paul. But Table “A-2” on page 54 (A-6 of the document)… all the way to page 69 (A-20 of the document) lists some of the bike and pedestrian projects. These include money for the Capital City Bikeway on Kellogg Avenue in Downtown Saint Paul and extending the Point Douglas trail from Battle Creek Park. So check it out. Support the projects you like and rip the ones you don’t (and explain why).

You can sign up to comment at–

You an also submit comments via an online form or via email until July 1st. For more information including links to the form and e-mail addresses, go to–

West Side Bike Boulevard Plan
Monday, June 24, there will be two opportunities to meet with Public Works staff, learn more about potential bike boulevards, and share your ideas about biking on the West Side. The City of Saint Paul with the community will be developing a Vision Plan for bicycle boulevards on the West Side. The plan will include the type of bicycle boulevard treatments and where they should go on the bicycle boulevards outlined in the City Bike Plan–

Monday, June 24, 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m., Community Conversation Walk and Talk with Councilmember Noecker. Meet at 8:45 a.m. at the High Bridge Overlook (on Cherokee Avenue between Smith Avenue and Manomin Avenue). We will start walking south on Manomin Avenue. Be prepared to walk approximately 2 miles.

Monday, June 24, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Workshop to gather feedback about biking on the West Side. El Rio Vista Recreation Center – 179 Robie Street

Not able to attend? Share your ideas on the comment map at–

For more information, visit–