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In your inbox every other Friday with news on biking, walking, and rolling across Minnesota

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Description of the different email lists you can subscribe to:

  • BikeMN E-News: An e-newsletter featuring the latest news from BikeMN, biking and walking news, statewide advocacy opportunities, and job openings, events, and more!
  • Advocacy/Action Alerts: Statewide and hyperlocal opportunities when your voice is needed for stronger biking, walking, and rolling.
  • BikeMN Monthly Community Roundtable: Bringing BikeMN Chapters and advocates around the state together once a month on zoom to share advocacy tips, stories, concerns, and more.
  • Fundraising: BikeMN could not do the work we do without your support.
  • BikeMN Events & Rides: Offering updates on all of our annual rides, virtual events, in-person events, and webinars.
  • Volunteering: Ways you can volunteer with us at rides, events, and more.
  • Walk!Bike!Fun!/MN Safe Routes to School e-news Wheels & Walks Bulletin – Stay up-to-date with the latest WBF and MnSRTS news, announcements & events for educators, parents and students.

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I love how Bike MN gets information out to the public in a variety of ways. I think the mission of making Minnesota more bike-friendly is important to our riders of today and tomorrow!