Cranksgiving Apple Valley
Cranksgiving is Returning to Apple Valley on October 14th!
You ask what is Cranksgiving? Cranksgiving combines 2 awesome things in one great day.
First, we will be collecting food for the Open Door Food Shelf!
Secondly, we will be doing this while riding our bikes!
Give Now:
When: Saturday October 14th. Registration will open at 9:30am-10am, riding will start at 10am and everyone should be back by 12pm. Awards/prizes and refreshments will be at 12pm at Valley Bike & Ski.
How: You can register the day of the ride or online at: http://valleybikeandski.com/product/valley-bike-ski-cranksgiving-10206.htm
Where: The event will start and end at Valley Bike & Ski. The ride will travel in the Apple Valley community.
What: You will get a manifest the day of the ride of what this need to be purchased and where. You then need to ride your bike to the designated location and purchase the food/goods at the location. You must ride your bicycle to all the locations and transport all goods on your bicycle. The ride will be 3-12 miles.
Who: Anybody who wants to help make a difference in there community.
The Cost: Free to participate in the event or $10 if you want the special addition Cranksgiving T-shirt. You are then encouraged to purchase $20 or more worth of food/goods. All food collected and extra funds will go to Open Door Food Shelf.
What to Bring: Dress appropriately for the weather, bring something to carry the purchased goods on your bike, a helmet, a bike lock.
Prizes: There will prizes award to participants based on:
1. Farthest Ride (electronic app must be used to track mileage)
2. Most generous (receipts to prove it)
3. Most stores visited (Receipts to prove it)
4. Most creative attire or costume. (it is Halloween weekend)
5. Fastest one to complete they shopping while completing all the scavenger hunt questions.
The Fine Print:
1. All riders will be required to do the following.
* Sign a ride day waiver
* Wear a helmet
* Obey all traffic laws
2. All transportation must be done on a bicycle, any type of bicycle: tandem, recumbents, cruisers etc. Children may ride in carts or tag-a-longs.
Most importantly have fun!