Downtown Bike Day
All Trails Lead Downtown!
As the momentum to return to the office continues to grow, let’s spotlight active transportation instead of adding to highway congestion. ABC Ramps Mobility Hub and Move Minneapolis, present Downtown Bike Day in Minneapolis on June 1st, 2022 – a celebration of bike commuting, recreational riders, and those curious about city biking.
Join us to celebrate and elevate biking in downtown Minneapolis! This includes bike/pedestrian infrastructure, mobility hubs, and secure bike parking that are improving downtown access and safety. Downtown Bike Day highlights bike amenities, safe routes, e-bikes, cool bike swag, and celebrates Minneapolis as a top biking city.
What: Downtown Bike Day – A celebratory and educational event for bike commuters, bike commuter curious, and recreational riders
Where: Target Plaza, the elevated deck between Target Field and Target Center, next to Ramp B
When: Wednesday, June 1, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Event Hosts: ABC Ramps Mobility Hub, Move Minneapolis
Bike Racks available next to Target Plaza 2nd Ave N and on the west side of Target Field
Event Features:
– Twin City bike community and organizations
– FREE Bike tune-ups and safety checks
– Launch of a new digital downtown bike map
– Register for free, secure bike parking at the Bike & Ride in Ramp B (Metro Transit)
– Try a Nice Rice e-bike and/or Lyft scooter ride for FREE
– TC Bear-hugs!
– Cool bike and scooter swag