Juice Box Ride!
Grab the kids and join us for a family ride! We’ll meet at Trailhead Champlin, ride to Oak Grove Park to play at the park, have a sack lunch and then ride back to Trailhead. Oak Grove is a great park with fantastic play equipment, picnic benches and restrooms. This ride is designed for families – trailers, training wheels, family bikes – everyone is welcomed! Helmets required. Pack your sack lunch; bring it to Trailhead Champlin, we’ll have a cooler in the Trailhead Truck – the Truck will meet us at Oak Grove (and be available if anyone cannot ride back). This ride will be 2.5 miles to Oak Grove and 2.5 miles back – so if your youngster cannot ride that distance, please consider a trail a bike or a trailer. Children must be accompanied by a Parent/Guardian. Trailhead ride leaders and sweeps will see we all get to the park and back safely. Any questions please call the shop. 763.712.0312. We’ll make stops as needed. The route is: Trailhead Champlin south on Winnetka to the Rush Creek Trail. The Rush Creek Trail takes us to Oak Grove Park. See less