Tonka Cycle Global Fat Bike Day!
Meet at 10:30, rides leave at 11. Looking forward to next Saturday (12/3) #GFBD2022.
Huge Thank You! to our friends at @unmappedbrewing (for liquid refreshments) @amyscupcakeshoppe (for Cinnamon Rolls)
There will be 3 rides again this year.
Please DO NOT park in the Tonka Lot. Best parking is the SE corner of Excelsior and Shady Oak Rd.
includes the new single track at Lone Lake Park and then head to roads and trails through Minnetonka and Hopkins. The route is 20 miles, with options for longer distances for those who know the area. The pace will be moderate to fast. Please see the links below to both Strava and Garmin Connect, to download the route.
We’ll ride due South on Shady Oak Road to Lone Lake Park (about 2.4 miles each way). We will ride one or two laps on the single track, depending on what folks are up for. Then we’ll return to Tonka.
C – NO DROP Casual, Fun ride.
After the rides stay and hang out in the parking lot south of Tonka. ( There will be a few fire
pits so you stay warm) We’ll be serving up grilled dogs, brats etc. and cool liquid refreshments.
Weather is looking to be chilly 25 or so. And looks like there will be snow!! so do a snow dance!
Can’t wait to see you all!