BikeMN’s Minnesota Bicycling Handbooks have been translated into Spanish and Somali thanks to generous support from the Metropolitan Council! The Minnesota Bicycling Handbook continues to be one of BikeMN’s most in-demand education resources EVER! We know the Handbook contains information that bicyclists and motorists need and want–which is why we’re overjoyed to offer it for Adult Learn to Ride participants in Spanish and Somali.
The handbook is a comprehensive informational resource that equips bicyclists of all skill levels to safely enjoy Minnesota’s roads and trails and to know their rights. The handbook also provides guidance for motorists on what to expect from bicyclists and how to safely drive when bikes are around.
Many bicyclists feel that Minnesota bike law is not straightforward and that it can be challenging to ride a bicycle both safely and legally, especially given some of the nuances in state statutes around bicycling. The Minnesota Bicycling Handbook provides 36 pages of Minnesota-specific information and digs into the details of many complicated topics, such as lane positioning, roadway and bike lane markings, bike law, equipment, bicyclists’ rights, and more.
This is the only place this information has been captured and put into one resource. The Somali, Spanish, and English handbooks are available to view and download digital copies at Order physical copies of the English Handbook at