This past weekend, BikeMN staff member Helena and volunteer Ari (pictured in the pink shirt) hosted a free bike repair station and gave away 75 kid and adult helmets, in partnership with Camden Cycles. Children’s Hospital generously donated helmets.
The second annual Webber-Camden BBQ offered free food for folks, including burgers, hot dogs, pulled pork, coleslaw, fresh fruit, and meatless options. Activities included a live DJ, bouncy house, field games, water balloons, and of course, bike joy! Camden Cycles is Northside Minneapolis’ first woman-owned bicycle shop, and partners with BikeMN for Open Shops and bike repair courses through our Adult Learn to Ride program.
“Tonight was an amazing success, this grassroots organized BBQ grows every year! There were many bikes in the stands getting repaired and we gave away 75 helmets! Thank you to our sponsors! Hundreds of people ate, and enjoyed music and neighbors while the kids ran around having a good ‘ol time! Best community in the world!”
Camden Cycles