Hopkins Activity Center Bike Club Kick Off Party
May 4, 2022 – Sep 28, 2022 AGES: 50 yrs +
Are you ready for some fun and exercise? This year we will have 2 options for the Hopkins Bike Club.
Sign up for the Bike Club Group and the rides are free.
Season begins on May 4 with a Kick off Party at 5:30pm and short ride starting and ending at Maetzold Field. There will be a brief bike safety presentation by the Hopkins Police and a bike maintenance demo by Tonka Cycle with some door prizes for those in attendance.
Monday Morning Active Rides
These bike rides are targeted for active seniors, typically 25-35 mile loop rides at 12 mph average speed. Bring a snack to eat at scenic half-way break point. There will also be a couple brief water/stretch/restroom stops along the routes. Our routes take us along paved and limestone bike trails and safe paved roads. All Monday morning rides will depart from the Maetzold Field Picnic Shelter at 9am.
Wednesday Evening Recreation Rides
Join us for a weekly bike ride on Wednesday evenings throughout the summer. Rides are usually 15-20 miles at bike speeds of 10 to 12 mph with water stops. We try to avoid steep hills and bike on dedicated trails wherever possible. Rides will include a social experience (biking to get ice cream, eating dinner together after the ride, picking apples, etc.) All Wednesday evening rides will begin at 5:30pm and will have different start location. Please see each week’s activity listing for details.
Participants for each group should wear a helmet and bring a water bottle or two, an energy bar or other small snack. Wednesday evening riders will be required to bring a headlight and taillight in September.
The season will end at the end of September or as weather allows.
Please sign up for each ride you plan to attend so we know how many to expect.