We Bike Rochester Bike Summit 2021

We Bike Rochester is proud to host four dynamic sessions about cycling in Rochester and across Minnesota
during the 5th annual Rochester Bike Summit. The summit will be spread out over two weeks on Tuesdays
and Thursdays beginning Tuesday September 7th and Ending Thursday September 16th. All sessions will be
held virtually from noon-1 PM on the four days in September.
All sessions and events are FREE!
Tuesday, September 7: “Families That Bike”, panel discussion hosted and moderated by Nate Nordstrom of
New Spin Bicycle Shop
Thursday, September 9: “Advancing Transportation Equity”, a conversation with Abdullahi Abdulle,
Transportation Equity Planning Coordinator in MnDOT’s Office of Transportation System Management
Tuesday, September 14: “Update on the Rochester Active Transportation Plan”, presented by Colin Harris
(Alta Planning + Design) and City of Rochester Community Development and Public Works
Thursday, September 16: “Update on Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota Activities”, presented by Dorian Grilley,
Executive Director
There will also be group rides each evening starting and ending at venues including Thesis Beer Project,
Taco JED, Old Abe Coffee Co., and Little Thistle Brewing. There will be vouchers for free drinks and food!
You must register and attend the sessions to receive a voucher at that night’s group ride.
We Bike Rochester President Rashell Sugiyama joined the organization last year after buying a used bike to
use as her main form of transportation. “It’s loads of fun to ride on the trails,” says Sugiyama, “but I don’t
just use my bike for recreation. It wasn’t too long before I noticed gaps in access to transportation and I
wanted to be a part of the conversation that addresses those gaps and works to eliminate them. The
Rochester Bike Summit is an opportunity for us all to come together and have the difficult conversations
that address these disparities.”
We Bike Rochester wants to welcome new faces and work together to find ways to remove barriers and
make cycling accessible for all. Bike Summit is a way to bring together people interested in biking, learn
what’s new, enable them to bike, and build up our community. Previous summits have strengthened our
community by bringing leaders, planners, thinkers, builders and citizens of all ages, abilities and
backgrounds together to make Rochester a place where active transportation and active lifestyles are a
priority and possible.
Rochester Bike Summit and other We Bike Rochester activities would not be possible without the generous
partnership shared by these organizations: Mayo Clinic, QBP (Quality Bicycle Products), Little Thistle
Brewing Company, Thesis Beer Project, New Spin Bicycle Shop, Old Abe & Co., Bicycle Sports, My Bike Guy,
Uptown Pilates, People’s Food Co-op, Forager Brewery, Tyrol Ski & Sports, Pasquale’s Neighborhood Pizzeria,
Taco JED, and Firebrick Bread Wood-Fired Pizza.
Register for the virtual summit on the Rochester Bike Summit 2021 (Virtual) Eventbrite page. Links and
detailed information about the sessions and group rides can also be found at webikerochester.com and on
the We Bike Rochester Facebook page.